Subtle radionics are an energetic method making use of wholistic principles such as quantum theory. It is effective beyond time and space.
This technique is mainly based on the receptive and transmitting human abilities. Moreover, it is connected with biogeometry, geometric patterns, quarz crystals, colour energies and numerology. Subtle radionics are ideal to harmonise all kinds of situations at a distance.
It is used to harmonise, regenerate and activate the potential of humans, animals, plants, spaces and projects.
- Time-space continuum and the various dimensions
- Morphogenetic fields and R. Sheldrake´s research
- Basic principles of subtle redionics
- Awakening dowsing abilities and building new synapses
- Praxis with the Fibonacci spirale
- Working on selected projects
- Developping positive personal traits
- Man/ women graphic and its numerous usages
- Ethical principles: the permission to work radionically
- Testen of the various body systems
- Study of anatomical patterns and working with lists
- Exercises out of the lithotherapy
- Manufacturing mineral essences
- Interaction with clients
- Definition, potential and limits of radionics
- Cooperation and supplementing other techniques and therapists
- Measuring and gauging_ life force and the geometer
- Ethic and the choc de retour
- Protection while working radionically
- Harmonising the physical body
- Subtle anatomy
- Thorough chakra testing
- Clear and concise interpretation and chakra reading
- chakra harmonising with colour frequence
- Connection between the chakra and the endocrine system
- The pendulum as an emitting device
- The factor time when emitting over a longer period of time
- Graphic patterns as efficient emitters
- Subjectivity
- Testing remedies: Homeopathy and phytotherapy as wavelength
- Practicle exercises for self-help and self-harmonisation
- Numerology and energy
- Rates
- Harmonising aura levels and fields with numbers
- Working with Busby stones
- Energetic vitamins
- Energetic Schussler salts
- Minerals and trace elements as energy
- Beneficial effect of metals
- Radionic manufactoring methods with / without numerology
- Remote harmonisation using your hands
- Special form – patterns: the I Ging
- Charging neutral substances
- Manufactoring individual healing patterns for oneself and others
- Empiristic uses and projects
- Causes of overweight
- Form – patterns of other researchers